Saturday, January 30, 2010

Buryanek 2010 Deer Hunt

We arrived at the State Park Camper's Cabin at about 3pm. By 3:45 we were headed out on a scouting mission to plan our strategy for tommorrow. Dan brought his gun, the rest of us didn't. We drove the pick-up as far as we could in the snow and set out on foot. In a field at the top of the hill Dan was able to get his sights on a mule deer. He got it. Through the next 2 hours the deer was drug out and gutted. I went back to camp and started supper which consisted of steaks, potatoes and salad. We celebrated New Years Eve next to a camp fire under a full moon. The guys enjoyed several libations of a certified #7 blue Schnapps, not to mention a couple beers. We were all looking forward to 2 more great days in the woods.
In the morning we were out and in place before first light. I sat for a couple hours and then wandered around a little. Nobody had a shot on anything. We returned to camp for omlets made in a zip-lock bag. They took a long time to cook in boiling water but were very good when finally done. We took a rest break and headed out again at 1:30. This time I didn't take my chair and walked a lot. Towards the end of the afternoon we found a group of Mule Deer in a valley below us at the same place Dan got his deer the previous afternoon. Luke and I got a shot off each but missed and then the deer ran. It was a thrill but because of the excitement I couldn't hold the gun steady enough to make a good shot. Back at camp we had chicken noodle casserole and spent the evening playing cards.

Saturday morning it was 20 below and we headed for new spots. We sat in the snow for an hour and a half watching our favorite valley. We saw a couple deer but they were too far away to make a shot. We returned to camp and packed up. We were on the road by 10:30. All in all it was a grand learning experience and I'd like to return next year. Photography by Luke.

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