It was a hot and windy paddle to this lake. I was in a solo boat and the following winds made it very difficult to control the direction of travel. Inspite of the challenges travelling to this special spot in the BWCA we were glad to find a perfect campsite. After camp was made and a rest Travis and Mikkel took the Souris River Wilderness 18 to a hot spot and fished. They returned with 3 Walleyes. This is a good lake. While they were gone I went for a swim which is the antidote for hot days in the woods. Then I had some coffee which totally complimented the refreshing swim I had earlier. Supper was Chicken Delight and Mikkel shared one of his Brats with me. Travis and Mikkel went fishing again. When they returned we played 3 way cribbage. I lost every time. The evening was breezy, which felt great after the day's heat, but we had to put little rocks on the cards so they wouldn't blow away. In the morning I spent 2 1/2 hours looking at the lake while I had breakfast. At 11am the 3 of us took the Souris River and went fishing. I caught 2 walleyes. The other guys did well too. Mikkel fried them to perfection for lunch. I took a luxurious nap to round out the afternoon. To wake up I had some coffee and then played cribbage, coming in 3rd again. We had fish for supper with wild rice soup. I washed dishes and the guys went out to fish some more. From camp I could see their canoe on the glowing lake. The sun had set but the bright sky and clouds reflected on the lake making it look orange, yellow and gold. The wind was calm, the loons were yodeling, and small waves lapped the shore making it a evening of sensory soothing. I love these special moments in the woods. It was a cool comfortable night and in the morning Mikkel crawled out of his hammock and said he felt like a king. Mikkel and Travis went on a day trip after breakfast, they portaged into a nearby lake to explore and fish. That night we had our last cribbage tournament and I won all 3 games. In one hand I had four 5's and cut a face card for a 26 hand. On another occasion I had a 21 hand. I am very lucky. Mikkel took my solo boat and went fishing, returning with another real nice walleye. Then we both went out in the Souris River. Mikkel had some luck with small bass but all I did was lose bait. The next morning we packed up and headed out. It was a beautiful day to be paddling.
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