Sunday, August 4, 2019

Geezer trip....7-17-19

On Wednesday the seventeenth Ruth and I paddled into lake one to establish a base camp for the others that are to arrive later in the week.  We had the same campsite we had last fall when a bear ate all our food. Even though it was in a bear resistant barrel  he knawed his way through it.   We had two blissful days of watching the lake and meterological phenomenon that is the show of a wilderness lake.   On friday elizabeth and perry paddled into camp.   It was a joyous reunion after not paddleing together for a year.  The yoders read books and so did ruth.   I took a nap.   Later that afernoon ruth and i fished and explored the Lotus garden....  it was beautiful to be out of camp for a while.    That evening Yoders prepared brats for supper. They were delicious.    on saturday we packed up and paddled out.

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