Monday, June 13, 2011

Lake Two, KWHS May 25, 2011

The paddle and portages to Lake Two went smoothly except for some temporary frustration that 2 students experienced before they got their skills controlling a canoe acquired.  After about a mile they did excellent.  We had camp made by mid-afternoon and the students went canoing by themselves, however, staying in sight of the camp.   For supper that night we had sweet corn, baked potatoes, salad, brats, chicken and steak.  That night it got down to the 20's.  In the morning we had scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast.  The winds were light so we headed for the Pow Wow Trail on the other side of Lake Three.  We did a little hiking and had lunch.  For the afternoon we portaged into Horseshoe for some Northern action.  It was a nice paddle around but nothing to take back to camp for supper.  In the evening Kincaid read Sig Olson to the kids and I went to the west side of the island to watch the sunset and get out of the wind. 

Friday morning we headed for Dangerous Waters.  Which really isn't dangerous.  There we hiked, photographed and looked for Pink Showy Lady Slippers.  The plants were a foot tall but had no blossoms.  We were too early, mostly due to the late spring.    That afternoon the kids swam and I prepared for leaving in the morning.  The next morning there was an early shower but just low clouds as we packed up.  The paddle out was serene as we moved through and around the bays and peninsulas in the misty morning.  The cool temps made portaging very easy.  It was a great trip with nice campfires, s'mores, a few fish, good weather and great times.  All of the kids appreciated the new experience. 

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