Monday, June 13, 2011

May 13, 2011, Seagull Lake

Bremer and I paddled an overloaded Discovery from the church camp to the Seagull Hilton.  Paris has never been there, thankfully.  Doug and Mark were about 1/2 hour behind us.   Camp was made and our first trip of the season had commenced.  The next morning the third Bill arrived and the annual meeting of the "Bill" club was in session, with Mark and Doug as honorary members.   We all fished all morning with no luck, then at 1pm I pulled in a nice Lake Trout.  No one else had any luck.  That night we had fire baked Lake Trout, sweet corn and my homemade tomato soup.  This was all cooked over oak that Bill brought in.  Sunday rewarded us with several Northerns and one more Lake Trout, with me not contributing a single fish.  We baked the fish over coals and had another wonderful supper.  The next morning we all paddled out feeling that the world was good and life was right. 

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