Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Zadie; Jana, and Lake one 7-18-2016

   It was a most perfect day.  Not too hot, not too windy and sun with beautiful white puffy clouds.  We paddled with ease and freedom.  Our first destination was an eagles nest.  We watched for some time before we saw an eaglet peek it's head out of the nest.  We saw no mature birds.  We continued to our next destination.  We paddled to Pagami Creek.  It was in full bloom with Water Lilies.  It was beautiful.  We took photos and then headed for an island lunch break.   It was a well deserved break because we had all paddled long and hard to get this far.    Our trip back to the landing was notable in that we saw the eagles, a loon, merganzers and lots of other day trippers.  We arrived there somewhat spent but knowing we had a great day.

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